Sunday, November 4, 2012

Don't Forget To Buy Paper Towel Dispensers

Far too many businesses forget or simply don't want to buy paper towel dispensers, and it's turning customers off. How many times have you walked into a restroom of a business and seen a roll of paper towels just sitting on or near the sink. It makes shivers run down my spine.


We live in a world filled with germs and washing our hands is supposed to help us decrease the chances of exposure. Antibacterial soap and warm water can help eliminate germs, but when you wipe off your hands, the paper towels have to be clean as well.

The problems with freestanding paper towel rolls is people have to pick them up with both hands and pretty much manhandle it to get their towel ripped off.  Germs and even stains can be transferred to paper towels not being used at that time. A dispenser has people only touch the paper they are using.

Comfort and Aesthetics

When people wash their hands, water has a tendency to splash – this is especially true if you have children. A free standing paper towel roll is often set in a puddle and it soaks the water up, ruining an entire end. There is nothing worse than picking up a roll of soggy paper towels. Ick.

A paper towel dispenser keeps the paper covered, free of water, and is aesthetically more pleasing than a freestanding roll.


With so many paper towel dispenser types available from automatic to push delivered, it's never been easier to get paper towels. Simply put your hands under the sensor or push a lever and it delivers the perfect amount.

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